Primary Computing Curriculum


At SPWP, we understand that computing is an essential skill for pupil’s futures, and provides important opportunities for critical thinking, problem-solving and computational thinking. We aim for all pupils to leave St. Paul’s Way Primary ready to and excited to engage with computer programming and technology in their everyday lives.

Our pupils begin to understand technologies and the computational thinking that underpins them in the early years provision through play and first-hand experiences. From year 1, pupils begin to study the national computing program of study. Pupils follow the POS from this point until the end of year six. While the national curriculum sets out a series of objectives that must be covered, at SPWP we aim to provide our children with a transformative education that enables them to capitalize on computing and in an information-rich world around them. To this end our curriculum ensures pupils experience a range of opportunities to develop their computational thinking and aspirations. These include: studying of robotics; controlling and designing of physical systems; topic-specific debates; studies of realistic and moral application of technology; as well as other special events and visitors.

While we aim to inspire children, we also aim to give them the tools to succeed in secondary school when they study computer science in further depth. In this way, we spend a large portion of our curriculum developing children’s understanding of computer science principles resulting in their understanding of syntax-based coding languages. Children begin by using ‘drag & drop’ coding principles in key stage one and move towards syntax-based coding languages in upper key stage two.

Our curriculum is divided into four main threads, each comprised of a set topics:

Online Safety As an ever-important element of our world, online safety is a topic that is discretely covered across the curriculum- such as PSHE- and explicitly covered in computing. As a part of our provision children learn: strategies to keep themselves safe; techniques used online; as well as moral and social issues.
Information Technology This portion of our curriculum focuses on developing children’s understanding of the ‘how’ technology connects us through the study of Computer Systems, networking, and data/systems.
Computer Science Computer science is the largest component of our computer curriculum, focusing on the study of algorithms, programming and computer systems. Interwoven in this element is the development of computational thinking through exploring computing programming concepts such as composition/decomposition and debugging.
Digital Fluency Digital fluency is the portion of our curriculum that focuses on developing children’s understanding of, and ability to purposefully use, technology. We focus on teaching children the concepts behind technology that allow them to transfer their understanding from one technology to another with ease.

These aspects of the curriculum are covered in a ‘knowledge over skills’ approach which ensures children learn principles and concepts in a in-depth manner instead of memorizing the skills required to access technology. In this way, children can transfer their understanding of key


At SPWP, we make use of the NCCE Teach Computing curriculum as the foundation for our work in computing. This ensures that teachers have the resources, training and materials to deliver an impactful and up-to date computing curriculum. From this, our curriculum is adapted to include our teaching and learning principles. Children have the opportunity to evidence their learning in a range of ways including: verbal, photographic, written and project-based outcomes. Our curriculum promotes an oracy-rich classroom, therefore there is a great deal of focus on computer science vocabulary.

While the NCCE scheme provides the basis of our curriculum, it is further enriched by providing children with opportunities to use and engage with robotics and other physical systems that go beyond the requirements of the national curriculum. To accomplish this, the curriculum at SPWP is covered in a spiral manner. This involves children learning fundamental computer science skills early in key stage one and revisiting/building upon these skills each year until they enter upper key stage two were children learn syntax-based coding languages and have the opportunity to learn robotics. Our close links with the trust school helps ensure a smooth progression from primary to secondary computing which helps make the subject an exciting opportunity for all children.

This implementation can be seen in the digital computing learning journals, which evidence the pupil outcomes and teaching strategies. Regular curriculum drop-ins and book studies allow leaders to coach and support teachers in delivering a transformative computing curriculum. Access to expertise in the subject also allows SPWP to ensure teachers are confident and able to deliver a technology-rich curriculum.