
Primary Admissions

Every year we have a new intake of Nursery children and Reception children. Nursery children are able to start in the term following their 3rd birthday (subject to places being available); Reception children usually start in the September following their 4th birthday.

We also admit children into other year-groups, subject to spaces being available. For applications to all year groups you should contact the Local Authority.

Like all schools, if there are more applicants than places, we have to prioritise children in accordance with our admission policy.

Once a child has been admitted we invite parents and families to be actively involved in school life supporting their child and, through that, strengthening and enriching our local community.

Each year we hold open days where parents can come along and find out more about what life is like at St Paul’s Way Foundation School. If you would like to come to one of these sessions, please contact us for more information.

Book A School Tour

St Paul's Way Primary School Prospectus

 Open Events Information

 Tower Hamlets Admissions 2024-2025

 Tower Hamlets Primary School prospectus