Supporting Your Child At Home


We believe in the importance of cultivating strong relationships with our parents and carers, to enable them to support their child’s education, both at school and at home. We are also aware that children have opportunities and experiences outside of school that are equally important in developing and enriching their lives. We have given careful consideration to making home learning well-balanced and supportive across the school. 

Our Home Learning Policy aims to:

  • Develop a consistent approach to home learning throughout the school. 
  • Ensure that teaching staff, parents and children are aware of their responsibilities with regard to home learning. 
  • Support children’s learning experiences via revision and reinforcement. 
  • Work with families and involve them in their child’s learning to keep them informed about the work their child is covering. 
  • Improve quality of learning experiences by extending it beyond the classroom. 

Home Learning projects:

This year, we are excited to launch our new family home learning projects initiative to the whole school. These learning projects will centre around a theme for each half term.  Families will be able to choose a project from a range of suggestions to complete with their child. These activities aim to foster opportunities for children to be creative and think outside-of-the-box!  Children will then have the opportunity to present their projects to families and their year groups. 

STEM Family Home Learning Project

Reading expectations:

We understand the importance of children reading at home to develop their fluency and comprehension. We provide:

Phonics books:

In EYFS, your child will receive a phonics book to read with you each week linked to the sound/sounds they are learning that week. You will receive weekly phonics QR codes to support you and your child with their learning of phonics.   

Banded Reading Books:

Your child will receive an updated banded reading book each week.  Please spend time reading this book with your child and updating their reading record acknowledging that you have read with your child.

Library Books:

Your child will take part in a library session with our librarian on a fortnightly basis.  Children will have an opportunity to choose a book to read for pleasure which they will return after 2 weeks.

Reading Questions For Discussion

Maths websites:

TT Rockstars:

Learning times tables accurately up to 12x12 by the end of Year 4 is a National Curriculum expectation, as well as a core element of understanding number and number relationships. 

All children will have received log-in details for Here they can practise their times tables and division facts to improve their speed and accuracy. Children can log on to TT Rockstars at home and practise competing against other pupils or just competing against themselves to improve their own score. Please see the class teacher if you are having any trouble accessing TT Rockstars. 

Maths Flex:

Similar to Times Tables Rock Stars, Maths Flex is an online game/program matched to the children’s current attainment and tailors the questions they practice to their individual needs. However, Maths Flex tasks are set by your child’s teacher based on the lessons children are completing in class each day. With Maths Flex, children complete their lesson in class with their teacher and a task based on this topic Is opened on the Maths Flex platform. In this way, children can receive either further support in the lesson topic If they need It or additional challenge if their teacher feels that they have understood the lesson. Maths Flex can be accessed at: using your child’s Individual login and the school code: 6pj9.  

Maths Flex can be used as little or much as needed. Your child’s teacher will let you know If your child will benefit from additional practice on the topic covered within a unit. 


Your child will receive a spelling list on a weekly basis based on their current attainment and National Curriculum expectations. Please support your child with practising the spelling pattern for the week. 

Spelling Guidance For Parents

Knowledge Organisers:

A knowledge organiser contains all key facts and essential information pertinent to the curriculum unit being taught during the term. It can be used as a supportive tool at home to learn key vocabulary and content related to the topic as well as enabling children to carry out further research at home if they wish. The children will receive knowledge organisers at the start of every term. You can also find attached electronic copies of them here:

Knowledge Organisers