University Partners

We work closely with our university partners to help provide a bridge between sixth form and university life for our students. At the beginning of Year 12, students attend a residential trip at UEL where they learn about what skills they will need to develop during their time in sixth form, to emerge ready for university. At the end of Year 12, we take students to Warwick University on a residential programme to give them a chance to experience life at university outside of London, and to give them the opportunity to attend sample lectures in a variety of degree subjects. In addition to our residential trips, throughout Year 12, students are encouraged to take part in programmes with different partner universities. This year, we have a record number of students on the ‘Realising Opportunities’, ‘K+’ and ‘Sutton Trust’ programmes. These programmes help to develop the research and academic writing skills that students will need to be successful undergraduates and after completing those, students receive reduced university offers for some of the top courses at Russell Group universities around the UK. This year, we even have a student participating in the Sutton Trust programme in the US which only accepts 150 students from over 1000 applicants. In addition to these general academic programmes, our students who are interested in medicine and dentistry participate in the ‘Bridge the Gap’ programme with Queen Mary University; this gives students access to top work experience as well as hands-on medical training and UKAT preparation.

Useful Documents

Student Parent Entitlement Statement