St Paul’s Way Trust School Achieves Quality in Careers Standard

St Paul’s Way Trust School has been awarded the prestigious national Quality in Careers Standard on 19th April 2021. The school has demonstrated commitment to providing outstanding provision for career learning and preparing students for their future.

The Quality in Careers Standard is awarded to schools and education providers who can demonstrate the importance they place on careers and how they support students to make decisions about their life after school.  

The assessor acknowledged the strong careers provision at St Paul’s Way Trust School and stated:

"I recommend that, in recognition of the school’s robust CEIAG provision, demonstrated by consistently very good grades across all units, this school should receive the certificate for the achievement of the national Quality in Careers Standard award. Of particular note is the commitment and hard work by the CEIAG manager and the support she has received from her manager and SLT. Documentation, policy and strategy planning have been exemplary; and a whole school approach to CEIAG is fast becoming normalised. The profile of CEIAG across the school has been significantly raised and supports its co-curriculum strategy."

The school embraces, promotes and endorses quality careers education and recognises the part it plays in the overall success of the school and students. A range of activities are offered to students to introduce them to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after school such as the work experience programme, post-16 programme, pathways support, externally led workshops/events and much more.