Sixth Form - Allocation of 16-19 Tuition Fund

Allocation of 16-19 tuition fund

Our aim is to ensure that a strategic approach to the spending of the 16 to 19 tuition fund enables all disadvantaged students at St Paul’s Way Trust School Sixth Form to reach their full potential.

When prioritising the allocation of funds, the school has considered what will be most effective for our eligible students (151), taking into account students’ needs, data from specific subjects and local circumstances. The priority areas for the spending will be as follows;

  • Eligible Year 12 maths students with significant gaps in their learning from GCSE (18 students)
  • Eligible Year 13 students in subjects with the lowest rates of progress
  • Eligible students in both Year 12 and Year 13 whose level of literacy is a barrier to their learning
  • EHCP, SEND and LAC students who have experienced additional disruption to learning because of their specific needs (2 students)

Eligible students in Year 12 who study mathematics and have significant gaps in their prior learning as evidenced through baseline assessments (18 students), will be supported by small group tuition. The use of the baseline tests to plan the sessions will ensure that the tuition is focused on students’ specific needs. To ensure the quality of provision, catch-up tuition (with groups of 5 or less) will be led primarily by existing teaching staff who will be compensated for their time through the funding.

Spending for eligible year 13 students will be prioritised for subjects who currently have the lowest rates of progress (as seen through Average Point Scores from the previous academic year.)

Students in both Year 12 and Year 13 whose level of literacy is a barrier to their learning will also be supported through small group tuition, focusing on academic writing skills. High achieving disadvantaged students who have opted to complete the Extended Project Qualification will be prioritised for this section of the funding. These sessions will be facilitated by humanities specialists and third-party providers.

Students with a SEND, an EHCP or LAC who have experienced additional disruption to learning because of their specific needs will be prioritised for 1-to-1 tuition from learning support staff with appropriate knowledge, skills, and experience.