Summer Success at SPWT Sixth Form (2017)

This summer St Paul’s Way Trust Sixth Formers secured the best A level results in the school’s history. A staggering 98% are moving on to university pathways with the remaining 2% accessing high-quality school leaver programmes. Approximately 60% of students secured places at Russell Group Universities and 67% of our students are going on to study STEM subjects. Amongst many other success stories were Naziur Kabya who secured a place at Cambridge University to read Mechanical Engineering and Enas Al Suhaibani who has gone on to study medicine at Aberdeen University.

Grahame Price, Executive Headteacher and CEO of the University School’s Trust, said:

'The exceptional success of our VI Form students is a direct result of each and every student working very hard indeed alongside the determined and holistic support that they receive from their teachers, tutors and other staff working in close partnership with parents/carers'

Some further outstanding individual results of our students:
Naziur Kabya, 3 A*s (Cambridge University- Mechanical Engineering)
Ayesha Begum, 2 A*s and 1 A (QMUL - International Relations)
Zahidul Islam, 3 A*s and 1 A (KCL - Chemistry)
Maryam Ali Awadh, A* and 2 As (QMUL - International Relations)
Azhar Ahmed, A* and 2 As (KCL - Mathematics and Statistics)
Fateha Choudhury, 2 A and 1 B (UCL – Geography)


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