Year 9 Pathways

At St Paul’s Way Secondary, we are committed to ensuring that students in
Year 9 are given tailored advice and guidance on choosing their Key Stage
4 Pathway in a manner that extends thinking to future careers and
ambitions. All students are given support from their tutor and teachers.
Our Pathways events are hosted for students and parents to help them
prepare for this important milestone in their careers.

This year, students will submit their options for Years 10 and 11 via an online
form. Further details will be provided during the Pathways Evening event.

Please make a note of the key dates below in the Year 9 options process.

Wednesday 24 th January 2024 - Year 9 Pathways Event.
Pathways Online Form opens.
Friday 2nd February 2024 - Deadline for students to complete their
options form.
Monday 26th February 2024 - School will share the provisional allocated
subjects with students and parents.



Appeals Process​

Please note that there will be an opportunity for parents to appeal following the
allocation process using this online form.

This form will be available on the website from Tuesday 27th February 2024 to Friday 1 st
March 2024.

We aim to resolve any appeals as quickly and easily as possible. The following stages
can take place and we aim to resolve appeals at each stage, with either an agreement
of no change or change to the allocated subjects between the school and pupil. If we
are unable to resolve at a stage, the appeal will escalate to the next phase.

Once an appeal is logged, the appeals process is as follows:

Stage 1: Email from School to student and parent explaining why those subjects were
Stage 2: Meeting between student and Year Team staff member.
Stage 3: Meeting between student and Senior team staff member.
Stage 4: Meeting or phone call between parent, student and Senior Team staff member.
Stage 5: Second meeting between parent, student and Senior Team staff member.
Stage 6: Meeting between parent and Executive Team member.