Secondary Parent Forums

A Parent Forum is a collective body of parents engaged in understanding and supporting their children’s education and wellbeing in partnership with the school. Each Year at the Trust School has its own Year Parent Forum abbreviated as YPF, and then there is a Central Parent Forum – in short CPF – for the whole school.

While a Year Parent Forum is open to all parents and carers of that Year, the Central Parent Forum is a representative body comprising elected representatives from each and all Year Parent Forums.

Year Parent Forum (YPF)

  • A Year Parent Forum (YPF) will be instantly formed with the participating parents or carers in response to the school's open invitation to all.
  • An YPF will be open to all parents of that Year and meets once in a half-term with a general and a topic on the agenda.
  • Each YPF will elect from within itself a Chair and a Vice-chair to run the forum with support and guidance from the designated member of staff for parental engagement.
  • An YPF will focus on general matters related to the education and wellbeing of all students of a particular Year.
  • The elected Chair and Vice-chair will join the Central Parent Forum (CPF) to represent their YPF, but the school may co-opt an additional member if it is deemed necessary.

Central Parent Forum (CPF)

  • The Central Parent Forum (CPF) is a representative body of parents with equal representation from each YPF.
  • There will be two reps per year group, for a total of 14 CPF members
  • The YPF will meet once in a half-term where a member(s) from the school's Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will be present.
  • The CPF will elect a Chair and a Vice-chair from within itself to run the forum with support and guidance from the designated member of staff for parental engagement.
  • The YPF will focus on general matters related to the education and wellbeing of all students of the school irrespective of their Years.
  • The YPF Representatives (YPFR) will represent their YPFs in the CPF, and conversely the CPF in the YPF.

Chair and Vice-chair

  • A Chair of an YPF or the CPF will liaise with the school-designated member of staff for parental engagement and convene meetings as per the calendar, preside over the meetings and take minutes.
  • The Vice-chair will assist the Chair and act as Chair in their absence.

Please refer to the PF calendar and note that while each session of an YPF has a pre-set topic to cover a particular aspect of parental engagement. However, parents may propose an item to be included on the agenda at least two weeks before the meeting for the school's approval.

Parent Forum Dates

Parent Forum Resources

After a Parent Forum we will make the resources and minutes available to download for those who were unable to attend.

