Secondary Latin Curriculum

Latin Curriculum


Even a brief encounter with the ancient world fires the imagination, and sheds light on why we are as we are, with all our strengths and failings.

We teach Latin in order to:

  • raise pupils’ aspirations and achievement. Widening access to classical subjects can help to break the link between educational opportunity and disadvantage, giving pupils the confidence to progress to higher education.  
  • support language skills for pupils of all abilities, encouraging a structured approach to grammar and a strong foundation for literacy and learning modern foreign languages.
  • encourage cultural insight and awareness, offering pupils new perspectives on historical and contemporary issues.

By Year Group

Year 8

Textbook: Suburani

Autumn 1

Subura (‘The Subura’)

Language: introduction to reading Latin; 1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular verbs

Culture: The Subura district; the population of Rome; life in an insula

Autumn 2

Roma (‘Rome’)

Language: nominative and accusative singular; case, declension and gender

Culture: the city of Rome – geography and growth; public buildings; the Forum

Spring 1

Ludi (‘The Games’)

Language: nominative and accusative plural; 3rd person plural verbs

Culture: Public festivals; chariot-racing and charioteers

Spring 2

Dei (‘The gods’)

Language: neuter nouns; all present tense verb endings

Culture: Religion – Christianity, state religion, sacrifice, private worship

Summer 1

Aqua (‘Water’)

Language: present infinitive; irregular verbs possum, volo and nolo  

Culture: Public health – the baths, public toilets, the water supply and sanitation

Summer 2

Servitium (‘Slavery’)

Language: the ablative case; prepositions; expressing time

Culture: how people were enslaved; the life of a slave; seeking freedom and manumission 

Year 9

Textbook: Suburani

Autumn 1

Londinium (‘London’)

Language: review present tense verbs; imperfect and perfect tenses

Culture: the Romano-British city of Londinium; the Roman invasion of Britain

Autumn 2

Britannia (‘Britain’)

Language: verb conjugations; perfect tense; superlatives

Culture: the province of Britainnia; resistance to Roman rule

Spring 1

Rebellio (‘Rebellion’)

Language: the dative case; verbs with the dative case

Culture: how Britain was ruled; the Roman army; women and war

Spring 2

Aquae Sulis (‘Bath’)

Language: 1st/2nd decelension adjectives; 3rd declension adjectives

Culture: the city of Bath; religion in Britannia; life in the Roman army

Summer 1

Mare (‘The sea’)

Language: the genitive case; phrasing questions in Latin

Culture: Romans and the sea; navigation and travel

Summer 2

Incendium (‘Fire’)

Language: imperatives; the vocative case; review all KS3 content

Culture: the fire of Rome – causes and consequences; the Domus Aurea

Year 10

OCR Latin to GCSE

Autumn 1


(Chapters 1-3)

Language: Consolidate and deepen knowledge of grammar from Years 8 and 9

Culture: Entertainment 1 – The Amphitheatre

Autumn 2


(Chapter 4)

Language: Review perfect tense and third declension nouns; mixed conjugation verbs; personal pronouns

Culture: Entertainment 2 – The Theatre at Pompeii

Spring 1

The Founding of Rome (Chapter 5)

Language: future tense; adjectives and adverbs; personal pronouns continued

Culture: Entertainment 3 – The Circus Maximus and chariot racing

Spring 2

The Kings of Rome (Chapter 6)

Language: pluperfect tense; the relative pronoun and relative clauses; compound verbs

Culture: Entertainment 4 – Dinner Parties

Summer 1

Heroes of the Republic (Chapter 7)

Language: comparatives and superlatives; passive; present and perfect participles

Culture: Roman Britain 1 – the Roman Army

Summer 2

Rome and the Gauls (Chapter 8)

Language: perfect and pluperfect passive; review all Year 10 content

Culture: review all Year 10 topics; exam practice

Year 11

OCR Latin to GCSE

Autumn 1

Rome under attack

(Chapter 8 continued)

Language: Review Year 10; conditionals; future active participle; ablative absolutes

Culture: Roman Britain 2 – Roman Roads

Autumn 2


(Chapter 9)

Language: Negative commands; deponent verbs; indirect statements; more infinitives

Culture: Roman Britain 3 – Roman Villas

Spring 1


(Chapter 10)

Language: Subjunctive verbs and 6 uses of the subjunctive; 4th and 5th declension nouns

Culture: Roman Britain 4 – Roman Bath

Spring 2

The Emperors

(Chapter 11)

Language: consolidation of all knowledge and reteaching of any areas for development

Culture: Literature – students read ‘The Witches of Thessaly’ and ‘Pythius’ in the original Latin

Summer 1


Language: revision of all content and exam practice  

Culture: revise all Sources topics and Literature; exam practice



Curriculum Booklet