Citizenship and Personal Social and Health Education (CPSHE)


To establish a coherent, rigorous and rich within CPSHE so that students develop the skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding they need to be able to take a full and active role in their lives and that of their community. Through the coverage of broad, well-sequenced, meaningful lessons, students are to feel empowered in their role of the active citizen. Students will understand how to communicate clearly and build their own resilience through an understanding of themselves and their relationships in a plethora of contexts. They will learn the skills to manage risk through an understanding of the implication of different actions such as early sexual experiences, personal finance and substance use. Students will also be able to engage in their communities, understanding how they fit into the wider community, both nationally and globally. Students will develop the skills to be able to respect others’ perspectives, and to take action to implement change in their communities. Through the teaching of governance, British values, diversity and the criminal justice systems, students will be able to understand how they can influence change as global citizens of the future.
