Secondary Art Curriculum

Art Curriculum


The Art Department is dedicated to nurturing visual literacy and critical thinking through exploring the world around us as part of engaging project themes and a supportive environment.

We aim to foster a curiosity about art, design, and visual media by introducing our learners to creative ways of exploring ideas. We develop a lifelong aptitude and desire to learn, research, experiment, develop and create.

Our curriculum presents opportunities to explore a range of media, processes and techniques that will challenge thinking and enable pupils to express themselves through visual language. Embedded into our curriculum are our links to industry specialists, gallery and 'art based’ universities, with the aim of fostering opportunities and highlighting the importance of creative industries.

By Year Group

Year 7

Autumn 1

Skills Test

Topic: Self Image


Skills test

Introduce students to key vocabulary based on formal elements.

Develop ideas based on their own Self Image
Research artists that have made self-portraits using a variety of skills and techniques. Use analysis to think critically about the work.

Introduce students to key vocabulary based on formal elements.

Record – create an observational self-portrait using line, tone & correct proportions

Skills Test

Self portrait

Autumn 2

Topic: Self Image


Develop knowledge of colour theory and practice painting skills.

Design and create own portraiture composition.
Experiment with a variety of techniques including colour pencil, ink technique, collage and Photoshop where appropriate.


Portraiture composition

Spring 1

Topic: Food


Explore and develop ideas looking at a range of artists that been inspired by food

Research artists that have used food as a subject matter using a variety of skills and techniques. Use analysis to think critically about the work.

Record – create a series of observational drawings based on food using line, tone & correct proportions as well as different materials.


Food observational drawings

Spring 2

Topic: Food


Develop knowledge of colour theory and practice painting skills.

Design and create own surreal food composition.


Surreal food composition

Summer 1

Topic: Food


Investigate, explore and develop ideas through 3D sculptures.


3D sculpture

Summer 2

Topic: Environment


Record and research ideas around urban/rural landscapes through analysis and first-hand observations.

Research the work of landscape urban/rural artists. Use analysis to think critically about the work.

Introduction to 1 and 2 point perspective.

Year 8

Autumn 1

Topic: Environment


Record – create an observational drawing of a series of buildings using perspective, line, tone & correct proportions.

Develop knowledge of colour theory and practice painting skills.

Design and create own 2 point perspective cityscape composition.


Building observational drawing

2 point perspective cityscape composition

Autumn 2

Topic: Environment


Investigate, explore and develop ideas through photomontage and 3D sculptures.



3D sculptures

Spring 1

Topic: Environment


Record and research ideas on a range of art styles and artists who animate their art - discuss and question critically. Use analysis to think critically about the work.

Explore the beginnings of animation

Record – create a series of observational self-portraits based on facial expressions using line, tone & correct proportions


4 portraits exploring facial expressions

Spring 2

Topic: Animating Art


Develop knowledge of colour theory and painting skills inspired by Pop Art.

Create Pop Art style painting.


Pop Art painting

Summer 1

Topic: Animating Art


Develop and experiment with different skills and techniques including sculpture/puppet making/
and animation using iMovie/iStop Motion


3D or animation

Summer 2

Topic: Experimental Drawing project


Develop, apply and extend their experience of a range of materials and processes, refining their control of tools and techniques focusing on the formal elements of art.

No assessment

Year 9

Autumn 1

Topic: Machines and Movement


Record and research relevant artists. Use analysis to think critically about the work.

Record – create a series of observational drawings of machinery using a variety of materials, mark making, line, tone & correct proportions.


Machine observational drawings

Autumn 2

Topic: Machines and Movement


Develop knowledge of colour theory and practice painting skills.

Design and create own abstract composition.


Abstract composition

Spring 1

Topic: Machines and Movement


Investigate, explore and develop ideas through 3D sculptures.


3D sculptures

Spring 2


Record and research relevant artists who express ideas about themselves and their possessions.Use analysis to think critically about the work.

Record – create an observational self-portrait using line, tone & correct proportions


Self portrait

Summer 1


Develop and experiment with a range of art techniques, pastel, oil pastel, ink, paint, collage/photomontage, double exposure using Photoshop.


Final outcome

Summer 2

Drawing styles/Natural Forms


Introduction to Drawing styles/Natural Forms: Explore the formal elements of art – through drawing styles quick drawings using pencil, explore charcoal, ink, pen.

Assessment Objective 1: Research pages on artists to inform own work.

Assessment Objective 3: Record ideas by taking a series of photographs/drawings for artist responses.

Year 10

Autumn 1



Introduction to project 1 – Voids through discussion and creation of mind maps.

Assessment Objective 1: Research pages on artists to inform own work.

Assessment Objective 2: Develop ideas through the use of different materials and techniques.

Assessment Objective 3: Record ideas by creating a series of responses inspired by the artists researched.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Autumn 2



Assessment Objective 2:

Develop ideas through the use of different techniques such as painting, drawing and sculpture.

Continue to explore each assessment objective to build skills on research, analysis and reviewing and refining own work.

Students will continue to explore different types of materials and techniques to expand knowledge and ideas.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Spring 1



Continue to explore each assessment objective to build skills on research, analysis and reviewing and refining own work.

Students will continue to explore different types of materials and techniques to expand knowledge and ideas.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Spring 2


Introduction to surrealism through discussion and creation of mind maps.

Assessment Objective 1: Research pages on artists to inform own work.

Assessment Objective 2: Develop ideas through the use of different materials and techniques.

Assessment Objective 3: Record ideas by creating a series of responses inspired by the artists researched.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Summer 1



Assessment Objective 2:

Students will develop ideas and plan for a final piece of work informed by research, skills and techniques learnt throughout project.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Summer 2



Assessment Objective 4:

Creating a final piece informed by research, skills and techniques learnt throughout project.


Controlled assessment –completion of assessment objective 4

Year 11

Autumn 1



Introduction to project 2 – Ordinary and/or Extraordinary Portraits through discussion and creation of mind maps.

Assessment Objective 1: Research pages on artists to inform own work.

Assessment Objective 3: Record ideas by creating a series of responses inspired by the artists researched.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Autumn 2

Ordinary Extraordinary Portraits


Assessment Objective 2:

Develop ideas through the use of different techniques such as painting, drawing and sculpture.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Spring 1

Ordinary Extraordinary Portraits


Assessment Objective 4:

Creating a final piece informed by research, skills and techniques learnt throughout project.
Externally set exam


Controlled assessment –completion of assessment objective 4

Spring 2

Externally set exam


Externally set exam

Introduction to Exam theme through discussion and creation of mind maps.

Assessment Objective 1: Research pages on painters/photographers/crafts people to inform own work.

Assessment Objective 3: Record ideas by creating a series of responses inspired by the artists researched.


Assessment is in line with Edexcel Exam board assessment objectives

Summer 1


Externally set exam

Assessment Objective 2:

Students will develop ideas and plan for a final piece of work informed by research, skills and techniques learnt throughout project.

Assessment Objective 2:

Students will develop ideas and plan for a final piece of work informed by research, skills and techniques learnt throughout project.


Controlled assessment –completion of assessment objective 4

Curriculum Booklet

Useful Websites