SPWT Celebrates Excellent GCSE Results

SPWT students and staff are celebrating today after achieving another set of excellent results. A substantial number of all students were once again awarded the top grades, with student progress continuing to be significantly above local and national averages. We are very pleased with the noticeable gains in progress measures made with this years results.

Success stories from today include Zainab Rahman achieving x9 grade 9s and x1 grade 8, as well as Mohammed Nafih Minhaj achieving x7 grade 9s, along with x2 grade 7s, x1 grade A. Other top performers include Fahim Amin with x6 grade 9s, and x2 grade 8s, x1 grade 7 also grade D* in Sports Studies.

The proportion of students achieving the top grades, (9-7) in English Language or English Literature and Maths, continues to sit well above the national average. The standard and strong pass grades in all subjects is above national average.

A few individual success stories include Sanjana Uddin and Faisa Omar (both members of our DSB department); Faisa achieved grade 8 in English Literature and Grade 6s in English Language, Photography and RE, and Sanjana who achieved grade 6s in English language and English literature, a grade 7 in Art as well as passing both her Science and Maths GCSE. In addition, Nadiya Khanom who came to the UK in Year 8 has secured one of our highest progress scores which include a grade 9 in Bengali and a grade 6 in English literature. Halima Begum achieved the highest progress score of all of our students, brilliantly embodying all the SPWT Graduate skill areas; she achieved passes in all of her subjects with particular highlights in English Literature (Grade 7), Maths (Grade 7) and Art (Grade 7).

We are particularly proud of Ozlem Sertsel who has been a member of our Golden Group throughout her time at SPWT School. She achieved three GCSEs in English, Hospitality & Catering and Art.

Our Year 10 cohort have also sat their early GCSE RE exams, securing another set of excellent results.

“We are immensely proud of the achievements of all our Year 11 students. It is the hard work of students, teachers and the support of parents that have made this possible. Well done to all of our students collecting their results today!”

- Firdusi Uddin, Deputy Headteacher


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