Continued Professional Development

Continued Professional Development

At SPWT we are committed to ensuring that all staff across the school are given opportunities to develop their practice in order to excel as professionals. Through a programme of internal and external training through a wide network of training providers across London, our staff have access to the highest quality of training available.

Professional Development Opportunities for Teaching Staff  

All teachers at SPWT have access to regular opportunities for training and development, both as individuals and as part of their wider faculty teams. This includes:

  • Weekly teaching and learning briefings where colleagues share best practice
  • Masterclasses for specific areas of pedagogical development
  • Half termly twilight sessions for extended faculty-based training
  • Learning labs that allow teachers to conduct peer to peer observations
  • Coaching from a large team of lead practitioners

As well as the universal offer, the school provides a range of bespoke training courses targeted at teachers at every stage of their career.

Professional Development Opportunities for Support Staff

SPWT employs a wide range of support staff that each play a pivotal role in ensuring the high quality of service to our students and wider community. All support staff at SPWT have access to a wide range of opportunities for training and development that can widen their skill set and pave the way for career progression.

As a school, we are committed to every member of staff and their personal career ambitions. If there is something that you are interested in pursuing that would increase your effectiveness in your role and develop you as a professional, the School of Education is able to offer you guidance and support on the best available training opportunities.